Make your outdoor experience more enjoyable by adding your favorite boating equipment to your craft. These items can be as simple as a classy drink cooler that can keep bottled water and soda cold all day long or as large and complex as a barbecue grill that one of your guests can smoke food on while you drive your boat. Binoculars, especially night vision binoculars, are always a fun addition to your boating equipment.
A waterproof deck of cards can elevate a dull, hot day on your boat. Fishing takes time, and a card game can break up the monotony. Waterproof cards are also easy to entertain children waiting for their turn to wakeboard, tube, or swim behind your boat. Entertaining can be challenging with many young people onboard; waterproof games can help. Consider playing a game on the beach or while floating in the water for extra fun.
If you're hosting an event on your boat, consider gifting your attendees floating keychains. Doing so can help them keep track of their keys while on the water. Floating keychains are an affordable and memorable gift that your guests can take home after their boating trip.
Keep dry bags on board so your guests can store books and electronics they don't want to have damaged by the water. Waterproof phone cases are an excellent addition to your supply box if you often have teenager passengers who can't seem to set their devices aside for long. If you tend to have loose boating equipment on hand, consider a cockpit organizer to store your bits and bobs.
Find even more boating equipment in the other categories here on our site.